Sunday 30 October 2016

How Many Fertilized Eggs Do You Have?

The embryologist called and we still have 11 fertilized eggs that are still rocking.  Apparently 14 of the eggs were too juvenile or not good enough quality to keep going, and two of the fertilized eggs died off a little early.  This is a little disappointing but 11 is still a great number to have.  We have to wait until Tuesday to get another update and then see how many we have still.  Once we hit that stage they go to embryo status and then on Wednesday they freeze what is left, take biopsies and send them off for chromosomal screening.  For those of you about to judge us for using this, at this point we want to implant a healthy embryo and have the best chance at a successful pregnancy.  Waiting to see how many embryos we have is the worst waiting game so far.

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